Friday, January 14, 2011

How EXCITING!!!!!!!

Talk about a week full of exciting things. We finished visiting the other schools that had programs that we were interested in. At the last minute we decided that we were not interested in the IB program anymore so we only focused on the MST (math, science and technology) schools this week. While both schools offer the MST programs they have some very tiny differences. These schools are very hands on learning. Each class has 6 desk top computers as well as 5 Mac book laptops, an I pad, a couple of I pod nanos, and some Sony book readers. Did I say that this was per class, not per grade or school. Kasyn was in heaven as we toured the classrooms. There are class pets in every room, and a campus dog. They are both highly recognized in Texas and rank high nationally as well. Learning is still done with books like other schools but there is not as much sitting and reading and listening. For example, this years kindergartner's were learning about shapes, so after going over the basic shapes in class they went in groups around the school with an I pod and took pictures of different shapes that they could find around the school. Oh I also forgot to mention that the classes have smart boards and smart tables. For those that don't know, you know at the mall where they have a projector that puts pictures or scenes or games on the floor and you can control it just by walking on it, those are just like the smart tables and boards. SOOOOOO COOOOLLLLL! In the classroom! I totally would have liked school more if I got to use those! So I think we decided that as long as test scores are high enough and we get accepted, that the MST program is the route we are going to take. If he still wants to do things like theatre or music or dance or even sports he is more than welcome to do it outside of school. The future is technology, why not start him off young !

As unbusy as the week sounds with just that, it was a packed week. I finally cut my classes down to 4. I decided on Special Events Design, Professional Speaking 1, Government 2302 and English 1302. Talk about a full load in itself and I also still work a Full time job and am involved in all of Kasyn's after school activities and my husband takes 3 classes each semester! It makes for a very busy semester but it won't be like this forever. My husband and myself want to make sure that we graduate from college no matter how long it takes to show Kasyn that it is important. Tomorrow we are going to buy our books! Crossing my fingers it is under 600 :-/

Today I decided to join Weight Watchers. I know a bunch of people that do it and they all love it. I need to do something so I can get healthy enough to be happy and hopefully have another baby. I am currently around the 200 lb range and my doctor would really prefer I lose some weight before we have any more children. He also does not think I would be able to carry a child in my state of health nor be able to get pregnant. So I am going to give it a try. I lost 26 lbs over the summer on my own but I was pushing myself so hard that I injured myself and burnt out really quickly. Since then I have gained it all back and that's never fun. Before my son I was a very fit and healthy person but I was also young. I played sports growing up so it was just how I lived. Then after Kasyn was born I became lazy and had a few medical issues that caused me to gain a lot of weight and now the weight is causing other health problems. I'm not a dieter, I like to eat what I want to eat, when I want to eat it. My biggest problem right now is that I do not know when to stop or say no. I'm hoping that with Weight Watcher's I can still be satisfied with my many many many cravings and just learn how to control them. I guess we will see how that goes!

And lastly for tonight, I am starting the painting! No more lime green walls. It took me 3 weeks and 24 test colors but i finally picked 3. 1 main, 1 complementary and 1 contrasting color. I hope I like it when its done because I loved the lime green at first and now I think it was a really bad idea. It's a very pretty color; just not in large doses! We also changed are design theme and are trying to go with a more organic look and feeling. Something that is a little more airy and fresh, a little bit relaxing and calm. Clean lines with just a hint of sparkle and bling. So this is what we are covering!

                        Fireplace and wet bar which I want to eventually rip out!

                        Hubby getting the taping done around the back door

                        Kiddo just watching TV while we work!

                     Looking into the dining room from archway

                       Through the archways from the dining to the living.
That is a lot of walls to cover. Tonight is the priming and then the real fun should hopefully start tomorrow.
Ready or not here I go!

Last note, I got a really good quote from my boss this morning. " The future is not someplace we are going to, but one we are creating. The paths to it are not the be found but made." John Schaar

That really made me smile knowing that I am not the only one that does not believe that I have a predestined path. Let's make tomorrow a good one.

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